Friday, March 16, 2018

Top 10 Children’s Books About Healthy Lifestyle, Nutritious Eating, And Exercise

In our previous articles, we’ve talked about several topics on raising healthy children. Having a child can be a fulfilling experience, however it can also be challenging to raise healthy children. How do you teach children to eat right? Children tend to eat delicious food without regard for what’s healthy or what’s not. Fortunately, there’s several children’s books that can help any parent teach their child how to eat healthy and live healthy. We’ll cover both free and paid options of these children’s books.

Free children’s books

On the free children’s books side you can try:
1. The Academy For Health Superheroes is a free children’s book about health that you can download on this link which is co-written by a cardiologist and a lifestyle and preventive medicine expert (Dr. Agnes Electra Chelbinska and David W. Evans). The book teaches young toddlers some healthy eating, healthy vocabulary, and avoiding junk food in a fun way. The superheroes have to face against the Junk Food Monster and his minions. It’s ideal for toddlers age 5 and up but you can start them younger to develop a healthy vocabulary early on.

Paid children’s books

The next books cost you a bit but these are good to start with. Children need variety so after you finish some free children’s books, you can start them with the paid children’s books.
2. Gregory The Terrible Eater (paid) – Gregory is a goat that likes to eat healthy instead of the usual goat that likes to eat tires, old broken appliances, and everything else goats eat! The irony is that while Gregory wants to eat healthy, his parents want him to eat the opposite! The result is that kids will point out by themselves what’s wrong with the situation. Have some fun time with your child in this book with the roles of children and parents hilariously reversed. (Disclaimer: we receive a small 4% percent of commissions from Amazon sales if you buy from this link. The proceeds go to help teach children to be healthy in London and India.)
3. The Academy For Health Superheroes: The Heart (paid) – written by Dr. Agnes Electra Chlebinska and health expert David W. Evans. This is the longer version of the free Academy For Health Superheroes book with over 200 pages of adventure, workshop, and healthy lifestyle for children. This book is easily worth several children’s books because it has several sections for stories with workshops at the end of each story. Designed by a doctor and health expert who are known for their free Happy Bootcamps in the UK. If you enjoyed the free book, then you will also enjoy the paid version.
4. Dragons Love Tacos (paid) is a New York Times bestseller which is the "Dragons love Tacos." It is written by Adam Rubin, he is a New York best-selling author for eight books which includes this first book. He worked for a long time as a creative director in the advertising industry but he left it to be a full time writer.
We all love dragons as a kid, those legendary creatures which are huge and fly. They have scales and they spew fire. Dragons are present in various mythologies of different cultures around the world.
In this story, however, dragons love to party and they love tacos, so they love taco parties. The story has the narrator who tells about how to make the best taco party for dragons. They love tacos such as beef tacos, chicken tacos, big and small tacos.
A step by step process on how to make taco which will encourage dragons to join the party. They eat tacos with salsa and when the party ended, they accidentally had jalapenos on their salsa.
5. Secret Pizza Party (paid). Written by Adam Rubin. He is also the author of Dragons Love Tacos, a New York Times Best Selling author.
The story tells about Racoon who loves pizza. He likes the crispity crunchita crust, salty pepperoni-ness, sweet sweet tomato-ness and the gooey cheesy-ness. He is always being chased away from the restaurants where he eats his favourite food. This gives him the idea to plan a big secret pizza party. However, another bigger secret party is also happening.
The book is fun and can be read to your toddler since the illustrations are superb.
6. D.W. The Picky Eater (paid)Written by Marc Brown. This has a story which is good for your toddler since the story is about a picky eater. Sometimes our toddlers can also be picky when they eat especially when the taste is sour like citrus fruit.
The name of the main character is D.W. She is a picky eater who had been caught many times not eating her lunch or dinner.
At one time she threw tantrums when she found spinach in her salad because she disliked eating it. She barely ate anything when she was at her friend’s house. Since she is a picky eater, her family started going out to dinner without her and she was left alone at home with a babysitter.
The time came when it was the birthday of her Grandma Thora when she decided that she was ready to join her family. She also decided to try other food on the menu. She ordered poet pie and ate everything. Later she learned there was spinach inside the pie yet she still ate everything.
The story will teach lessons to our picky eating toddlers especially healthy food, vegetables, and even spinach! Find out what happened at Grandma Thora's birthday and what made D.W. eat her spinach pie.
7. Creepy Carrots (paid) by Aaron Reynolds. He is also a New York Times bestselling author and lives in Chicago with his wife, two kids, four cats and goldfishes.
The rabbit's name is Jasper Rabbit who loves carrots. Jasper particularly loves carrots, particularly those that grow in Crackenhooper Field because they are fatter, crisper and you can eat them for free. He loved eating those carrots on the way to school, during his Little League practice and even on his way home at night.
He loves carrots so much and he could never get enough of them. Until he noticed something strange: carrots are following him from Crackenhooper Field. He saw the creepy carrots creeping along the shed and on his wall.
By the end of the week, the creepy carrots were everywhere. He was creeped out by those carrots and so he made a plan to make sure no creepy carrots would ever escape from Crackenhooper Field patch again.
Although carrots that follow you around may sound creepy but carrots are a delicious source of vitamin A for our toddlers. We need to read the book and find out what Jasper did so the creepy carrots would no longer escape from the patch and stop them from following him around.
8. Rude Cakes (paid). The book is written by Rowbot Watkins. The author is a dad who likes to draw and tell stories. His wife calls him Rowboat but we do not know the reason why. He lives with his family in Brooklyn, New York.
This may be strange for a cake to be named as rude which is the title of the book. However, the characters of this story are really named Rude Cakes. Although the cakes look delicious with pink frosting, they are rude. They do not say please or thank you to the parents.
The story is hilarious and it has some twists and turns prepared for those who will read the book to completion. Rowboat Watkins has written a funny story about manners and tackling bullying while reminding us that changing our bad habits and bad attitudes can be possible.
9. Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun: Having the Courage To Be Who You Are (paid). This book is written by Maria Dismondy, an award-winning author for children's books and her goal is to make a difference through her writing.
The main character of the story is Lucy. She is teased by Ralph at school because she is different.  Ralph makes fun of her hair by calling her a poodle. Her lunch is spaghetti in a hot dog bun which he calls “stinky”. The worst he did was sending Lucy a bag full of dog treats.
However, Lucy knows everyone should be kind to everybody.
Lucy's kindness has made a twist at the ending but we won’t spoil the ending for you. The story is a very nice one to read to our toddlers. It is about how in spite of being treated unfairly, we can still rise up and be kind to those people who didn’t treat us fairly.
10. Listening to my body (paid). The book is written by Gabi Garcia, a mother. She is a licensed professional counselor and former teacher. She beleives it is a lifelong gift when you empower children to tune in and trust their bodies. She was also a therapist and agrees we should teach what we most need to learn.
Gabi Garcia is a mama, Licensed Professional Counselor and former teacher who believes in empowering children and that the ability of tuning into it and trusting their bodies is a lifelong gift. She has worked as a therapist in a variety of settings for over 15 years and currently works as a public school counselor.
This book is a good book to read to our toddlers. It is an engaging and interactive illustration book. It teaches our children to pay attention to their bodies.
By mixing a story and simple experiential activities, the story will guide our children through the process of noticing and naming their feelings while they develop a better sense of well-being. There are vocabularies to learn in the story such as "buzzing", "wiggly" and "squirmy". These will give them a name to what they feel and tell them that it is okay to feel this way.
The book teaches children to care for and be kind to themselves especially when they feel difficult emotions.
This is a good story which we need to finish to the end. Gabi Garcia has a unique way of giving a name to the sensations that children and adults feel.

More Free Resources For Parents And Teachers To Guide Toddlers Towards Health

These 10 children’s books are a good place to start to teach your kids how to live healthy and how to live happy. Each book has its own strengths and focuses on a different area.
However, if you want more resources to guide your children towards healthy and happy lifestyle you can check our free resources here:
The 18 Dangerous Trends In Children’s Health And How You Can Prevent Them – this discusses the dangerous health problems with today’s society and how children are being affected by those problems. Once you know what the problems are, you can take the steps to protect your child.
9 Ways To Keep Your Child Healthy – an excellent article on ways that you can protect your child in today’s time that addresses the problems discussed in the 18 dangerous health trends in children.
Teaching Your Child To Be Grateful – a good way to start teaching your child how to be grateful, which will develop their emotional intelligence and grit as well as appreciation for family and life in general. Being grateful helps counter depression which is a growing epidemic all over the world that is linked to obesity, diseases due to chronic stress, and suicide.
The Children’s Book With A Moral Lesson – a feature on the 200-page Children’s book with a moral lesson, you can also download the free 30 page ebook on the Homepage of the website too!
Free Health Podcasts For Parents And Teachers – perfect for parents and teachers who are on the go, you can listen to these podcasts on your mobile phone, tablet, iPad/iPhone, computer or laptop anytime, anywhere. Audio Learning will help you learn more about how to keep your child or your students healthy even as you drive, while you are out exercising, or doing whatever you want to do.
Free Health Videos For Parents And Teachers – free videos for parents, teachers, and children to appeal to the visual and auditory senses of the kids.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

How To Choose The Right Children’s Book

Choosing the right children’s book for your child can have a significant impact on your child’s life. A study published in Psychological Science in 2016 shows that reading from children’s picture books improves your child’s vocabulary more than ordinary conversation. This is because words used in picture books are new and less limited than what’s available in ordinary conversation. Not only are children’s books a way to develop your child’s vocabulary but it’s also a good moment to develop your child’s morality, virtues, and values. What your child learns early on in life can impact his or her life as the child grows up. 
How To Choose The Right Children’s Book
However, the problem with many of today’s children’s books is that they contain very few lessons that are relevant to preparing your child for the future (see our article on the 18 Dangerous Trends In Children’s Health for some problems you should prepare your child against). Many of today’s children’s books are not geared towards your child’s development in important areas such as emotional intelligence and health awareness, this is why it’s important to take extra effort to choose the right book.
When choosing the right children’s book for your child consider these:
  1. The age of your child – a child 0-12 months old will not understand your words yet however they will love listening to the sound of your voice. It’s good to start reading to your child as early as you can so they begin recognizing different sounds. They will learn new words by 12 to 18 months and as they grow to 24 months they begin to notice more and more details in the picture books. That’s why you want to make sure that they use books that have vivid colourful pictures that they enjoy looking at. By the time they reach 2 years old they now know enough to understand the flow of the story and what’s going to happen next so you want a story book that has a sequence of events. At 3 to 4 years old they will have higher attention span and they will recognize humorous situations so choose fun books that make them laugh. By age 5 to 6 they will already memorize some of the books that you read to them and they can tell you what happened in the story. They can answer if you ask them what lesson is in the story so it’s important to teach them stories with moral lessons early on.
  2. The moral lesson, virtues, and values taught in the book – in today’s time, it has become even more important to teach your children important values of family, friendship, compassion, kindness, and caring for one another. Children should also learn emotional intelligence, health awareness, and positive mindset as early on in life. There are a lot of children’s books that do not address these areas even though they are fun to read and they make your child laugh however they lack the virtues and values that will guide your child as he or she grows up. Children of today have lower self-esteem, are more depressed, and are getting sicker and sicker at such early ages with diseases that should not appear in children in the first place. In our previous article we talked about the steps to counter these problems in The 9 Ways To Keep Your Child Healthy And Restore Their Health.
  3. Consider what are the problems that most children will face as they grow up – will this book prepare your child in a positive nurturing way for the challenges that they will face growing up? Will it build strong foundations for your child? Some areas you can prepare them for are:
  • Morality, Values And Compassion
  • Valuing Family And Friends
  • Health, Nutrition, And Exercise
  • Caring For The Environment
  • Strengthening Their Emotional Intelligence
  • Developing Their Self-Esteem And Self-Confidence
  • Preparing Them To Be Successful In Life
Now you might think that it’s difficult to find a children’s book that fits all these but that’s not necessarily the case. There are children’s adventure books with health and moral lessons like The Academy For Health Superheroes first book called “The Heart that teach kids to value family and friends, teach about moral lessons, while focusing about health and the environment and building the emotional intelligence.
  1. The quality of time that you share together. What’s more important than just reading the book is to share quality time together. Every moment that you spend reading to your child is an investment in his or her future. The more you read or talk to your child, the more vocabulary and comprehension will increase.
  2. Free vsPaid Children’s Books. There are free children’s books on the internet and there are also paid. The free ones usually have lower quality in terms of visuals or they are in the public domain because they’re old stories that are no longer applicable. You should be willing to invest a small amount to get your child started with the right sotires.
Here are some tips when reading a children’s book to your child:
  1. Repetition improves memory, reading the children’s book several times helps your child develop vocabulary. The more you repeat reading the children’s book, the more you will notice that they will mimic your words. As time passes, they will be able to follow your words more and more.
  2. Do it consistently, whether it’s each day or 3 times a week. Find a time of day that you can read the book together and soon they will look forward to that same time every day. Soon your child will be begging you to read the children’s book to them.
  3. Repeat the core lessons at the start and end of each reading session. Whether you say to your child “Eat healthy food” or “Exercise to be healthy” or “Family is important” or “Love one another” it’s important to repeat the core lessons at the start and end of each reading session. Your child will begin to grasp the words and start repeating them back even though they may not fully understand it immediately but you’ll be surprised at your child’s growth.
  4. Be willing to pause the reading to respond to your child’s questions. Your child will usually have a lot of questions throughout the story as they look at the pictures and they may point to something in the picture and ask “What’s that? What’s this?” it’s important to respond to those questions to keep your child engaged. Children’s book reading is not only a passive activity but an interactive activity between you and your child.
  5. Ask Them Questions. It’s also important to ask your kids questions to make the process interactive. This will allow you to gauge their comprehension and progress of learning.
Choose The Children’s Book That Will Leave A Positive Legacy In Your Child’s Life
What values you pass on to your child will serve as an important legacy and he or she will someday look back to those lessons that you taught him or her. Be willing to invest time and effort as you read the children’s book to your child. It’s an excellent bonding time as a family and parents should treat it as such.
Why Start Your Child With The Academy For Health Superheroes?
The Academy For Health Superheroes Books teach your child many valuable lessons. In this book, you will journey with the health superheroes Agnes and David who help their friend whose dad has become sick. In almost 200 pages of colourful illustrations and brief but informative text, the team of health superheroes go on a journey to find the six masters that will teach your kids about important health and life lessons. After learning from each master, the superheroes return to their friend to help their friend’s dad as well as their friend’s entire family using these important lessons that they’ve learned. They face against the Junk Food Monster and the nasty habits who keep trying to make their friend’s family sicker and sicker. The book includes the story book that you can read aloud to your child as well as interactive questions that you can ask your child after every few pages, which makes the process simpler and any parent can just follow the ready-made activities. Read more about The Academy For Health Superheroes Book 1 here.
You can also check out the free children’s book on the homepage to get a feel for what the entire book is like. You can try reading that to your child and see how he or she respond after a few days of repeated reading.
Here’s What Some Parents And Teachers Are Saying About The Book
“A great example of how to deliver key messages to promote an active life and healthy habits for the little ones and a good reminder for the big. Easy to read with eye-catching images that will surely make our kids become part of the story. Highly recommended!” - Amazon Customer
“Brilliant book with colourful and vivid fun illustrations. I bought this for my 6 year old niece and ended up reading it when it arrived. it is presented in a fun and educational way and really makes learning about health, fitness, and nutrition fun, connecting the relationship between good health and happiness. Looking forward to part 2.” – Erik
“Fantastic book for health conscious parents like us to read to our kids. It's so important to instill good habits about food and exercise from an early age. The colourful and fun illustrations captured my son's attention immediately.” - Julian
“Lovely children's book, cool pictures, and best: a strong message. As health is not the absence of disease but being able to live life in optimal physical, emotional and mental states (and more), we have to rewire our way of thinking about health. With this book for children, you're helping your kids to start early and to make the life for them much better. It doesn't only give you info about our body, a healthy diet, and regular exercise, it also includes aspects of inner qualities such as compassion, patience, and mindfulness - a self-development book for kids. Kids, you'll get to know little girl Agnes, who wants to learn about healthy and happy living. She starts an academy for health superheroes and saves the life of a family.” – Serey
Also, make sure to check out the articles we’ve written to help things become simple for parents, teachers and children to become healthy, compassionate, and happy:
The 18 Dangerous Trends In Children’s Health And How You Can Prevent Them – this discusses the problems with today’s society and how children are being affected by those problems. Once you know what the problems are, you can take the steps to protect your child.
9 Ways To Keep Your Child Healthy – an excellent article on ways that you can protect your child in today’s time.
Teaching Your Child To Be Grateful – a good way to start teaching your child how to be grateful, which will develop their emotional intelligence and grit as well as appreciation for family and life in general.
The Children’s Book With A Moral Lesson – a feature on the 200-page Children’s book with a moral lesson, you can download the free 30 page ebook on the Homepage of the website too!
Free Health Podcasts For Parents And Teachers – perfect for parents and teachers who are on the go, you can listen to these podcasts on your mobile phone, tablet, iPad/iPhone, computer or laptop anytime, anywhere. Audio Learning will help you learn more about how to keep your child or your students healthy even as you drive, while you are out exercising, or doing whatever you want to do.
Free Health Videos For Parents And Teachers – videos for parents, teachers, and children to appeal to the visual and auditory senses of the kids.

How To Raise Healthy Kids And Keep Your Family Healthy – The Three Things You Need To Do

How To Raise Healthy Kids And Keep Your Family Healthy – The Three Things You Need To Do
In today’s topic, we will talk about:
  1. How whole food nutrition brings 4,000 different phytochemicals from plants that help repair and rejuvenate your body as well as protect it from various diseases
  2. How the right kind of exercise (High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT) generates more mitochondria which brings power and energy to your body
  3. How stress, pessimism and negative thoughts damage our DNA creating diseases, premature ageing and death.

9 Ways To Keep Your Child Healthy And Restore Health – How To Prevent Diseases For Your Child Before It Gets Worse

9 Ways To Keep Your Child Healthy And Restore Health - How To Prevent Diseases For Your Child Before It Gets Worse
Educating your children about how to be healthy can be challenging and even overwhelming especially at the start. However it’s like exercising a muscle, the more you practice it, the easier it becomes. The more you do it, the more resources you will find and soon it becomes part of your life and you no longer need to think about it because it has become a habit.

The 18 Dangerous Trends In Children’s Health – Preventable Diseases In Children That We Need To Face

The 18 Dangerous Trends In Children’s Health - Preventable Diseases In Children That We Need To Face
We have identified the 18 most dangerous trends in children’s health. The good thing is that these are preventable and we’ll discuss the solutions in the next section after tackling the problems.
  1. Increasing obesity in children – one third of children in the U.S. are overweight or obese. Obesity has more than tripled in children and adolescents since the 1970’s. (2) (3) Obesity is a leading of cause of many other diseases such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke, risks for different types of cancer, fatty liver disease, kidney disease, pregnancy, insulin resistance, sleep apnea, and osteoarthritis. (29).
  2. Increased risk for diseases – obese and overweight children are at higher risk for preventable chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, asthma, sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes, glucose intolerance, joint problems, fatty liver, gallstones, anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, and cardiovascular disease according to the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC). (3)(12)
  3. Low self-esteem, increased social problems, bullying, and stigma which leads to mental health problems. Being obese or overweight not only increases risk for disease, but it also increases social problems because obese children experience bullying and stigma. This also affects the likelihood that ideas of suicide will come into their mind as they become adolescents. (12) (14)
  4. Increasing depression and suicide rates – The suicide rate for girls ages 15 to 19 have doubled from 2007 to 2015 according to the CDC, reaching its highest point in 40 years. On the other hand the suicide rate for boys ages 15 to 19 has increased 30% however boys remain to be more likely to commit suicide than girls: 81% of reported suicides are male while 19% are female of those 10 to 24 years old. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US. (15)(16)(17)
  5. Increasing risk for diabetes in children – studies are showing that children are at an increased risk for diabetes, which will damage their heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves and even lead to early death. Type 2 Diabetes, although preventable is on the rise in children and in adolescents and the risks increase in children who are obese, live an inactive lifestyle, and who sit for more than 3 hours each day in front of their TV, electronic gadgets, laptops, and celphones for prolonged periods. In the study done by UK researchers they compiled data from 4,500 children and they found that children with more than 3 hours of screen time per day had higher body fat and insulin resistance compared to those with less than 1 hour per day.(4) (5)
  6. Learning disabilities in children – 4 out of 10 of the leading causes of disabilities in the US and developed countries are due to mental disorders. Around 1 in 4 people in America are diagnosed with a mental disorder. Common mental disorders include depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Patients suffering from mental disorders are severely deficient in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, B-vitamins, amino acids, and Omega-3. Unfortunately the prescription drugs cause severe side effects which discourage patients from taking the medications which puts them at higher risk for suicide. The symptoms of these disorders can be relieved or reduced through nutritional therapy through daily supplementation of essential nutrients as well as amino acids which are essential precursors for neurotransmitters. (18)(19)(20) Furthermore, a study suggests that those with mental disorders need higher quantities of Omega 3 compared to people with no mental disorders where they were given 9.6g of Omega 3 per day which improved their symptoms.(21)
  7. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) – ADHD affects over 6.4 million children and their performance in school is affected since they have difficulty focusing, are easily distracted, and have trouble interacting with their classmates. They are also having difficulty following rules and they fail to complete tasks. (31)(32)(34) According to the CDC, children aged 2 to 5 has increased by over 50% from the 2007 to 2008 survey. Furthermore, diagnosis of ADHD among children aged 4 to 17 years old has been increasing from 7.8% in 2003 to 9.5% in 2007 and eventually to 11% in 2011 to 2012. Some states range from 5.6% of children in Nevada diagnosed with ADHD and 18.7% of children in Kentucky.(30) in a study done by British researchers in 2007, they found that the preservative Sodium Benzoate as well as 6 artificial coloring agents contributed to hyperactivity in children. This resulted to the United Kingdom’s Food Standards Agency to urge food manufacturers to remove the six artificial coloring agents which include sunset yellow FCF (E110), quinoline yellow (E104), carmoisine (E122), allura red (E129), tartrazine (E102), and ponceau 4R (E124) from being marketed to children in Britain and caused them to label the food products with “may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children” as well as resulting to manufacturers and retailers removing them. (22)(23)(27) Despite studies conducted by the FDA as early as 1980 and 1982 as well as a study done in 2000 by Weiss that confirm the result, the US FDA is still adamant about keeping the food additives in the market. However, we should consider that children are more vulnerable to toxic chemicals because they have smaller body weight, their metabolic pathways are immature, their developmental processes are more easily disrupted, and they have more exposure time to the toxins than the adults. (24)(25)(26) We need to be more aware of this especially because the per capita consumption of artificial food colours have quadrupled in the last 50 years. (28)
  8. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) – ADD is a type of ADHD but they are not hyperactive. Children with ADD have difficulty learning in school because they find it hard to focus on the lessons and they may appear dreamy or their thoughts are elsewhere. They have trouble with distractions that would normally not affect other children.(32)(33) Both ADD and ADHD symptoms can be managed through nutrition, according to the National Resource Center on ADHD and they provide excellent resources in their video “ADHD And Eating” by Roberto Olivia, PhD, and “5 Ways Nutrition Can Impact ADHD Symptoms” by Laura Stevens, MS. In Stevens book the “12 Effective Ways to Help Your ADD/ADHD Child: Drug-Free Alternatives for Attention-Deficit Disorders” she discusses ways to manage ADHD through nutrition, avoiding artificial sweeteners, tracking food allergies, eliminating chemical sensitivities, and also eliminating lead and aluminium toxins .(35)(36)
  9. Asthma – According to the American Academy Of Allergy Asthma And Immunology, the number of people with asthma continues to grow, from 20 million in 2001 to 25 million in 2009. One in ten children have asthma, and this has especially grown in black children with a 50% increase from 2001 to 2009. Asthma costs in the US are around $3,300 per person each year. (37) According to WebMD, diet plays a role in managing the symptoms of asthma and those with obesity are associated with more severe symptoms. There is also evidence that people who eat diets rich in antioxidants such as Vitamin C, Vitamin B, beta-carotene, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, flavonoids, and selenium have lower rates of asthma. (38) A study reveals that people with asthma have increased rates of oxidative stress and antioxidants might help. (39) In addition, taking Vitamin D through diet, supplements, or sunlight helps because people with severe asthma have low vitamin D levels. Eliminating sulphites and food allergies from your children’s diet may help because they can trigger asthma symptoms.(40)
  10. Autism – the prevalence of autism in children have increased from 6.7% to 14.6% from 2000 to 2012. In the UK alone, there are more than 700,000 people who have autism. Unfortunately, most children are not diagnosed until after age 4. (41)(44) In a survey of 27,000 parents of children with autism they recommended certain nutrients such as high-dose Vitamin B6 and Magnesium, essential fatty acids, probiotics, carnitine, and melatonin however different children need different nutrients. It is also recommended to avoid food that causes allergies and minimizing sugar which gave improvement to their children in 52% of the reports while prioritizing organic food which are lower in pesticides, contain more Omega 3, and are higher in the essential mineral phosphorus.(45) Also, children with autism tend to have low intakes of calcium and protein compared to normal children.(42) It is recommended that children with autism have a gluten-free, casein-free diet.(43)
  11. Cancer risks in children – According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), there has been a 27% increase in cancer rates in the recent decades for kids under age 19. Increase in Leukemia has risen 35%. Soft tissue cancers in bones are muscles are up 42%. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is up 34%. Catherine Metayer, MD, PhD who studies the causes of leukemia in children explains: “In the environment, a lot of things have changed. A lot of chemicals have been brought in. We are all exposed to many of them. So most likely the increase has been driven by some exposure to environmental factors, combined with genetics.” Cancer takes years to form, and children have more time to be exposed to life-style related cancer risk factors as well as environmental factors such as chemicals and toxins that were previously not a problem in the past generations, making children more susceptible to develop cancer during their adolescence and their adulthood. Cancer-risk factors include being overweight, eating an unhealthy diet, and not getting enough exercise. As they grow into adolescence they may develop habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol, which plays a major role in many types of cancer. When parents smoke, this also exposes their children to cancer risk.(46)(47)
  12. Increasing Risks For Chronic Diseases – According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children are at an increased risk for chronic diseases such as asthma, ADHD, developmental delays, autism, depression or anxiety, behavioral or conduct issues, speech and language problems, epilepsy/seizure disorders and learning disabilities.(48)
  13. Joint problems and musculoskeletal discomfort – Joint problems and musculoskeletal discomfort has been increasing as a result of increasing obesity in children in ages 3 to 18 years old. The pain caused from this causes children to avoid exercises that are painful for them, decrease their physical activity, and reduce their activities which further aggravates their problem of obesity. Being obese increases the risk for children to develop SCFE (slipped capital femoral epiphysis) and blount disease which increases the risk for abnormal joint function and cause early osteoarthritis. It is important to support the children early and implement an intervention in terms of psychological and physical intervention to address these problems. (49)(50)(51)
  14. Increasing fatty liver disease – there is a rising epidemic of fatty liver disease in children, and it was found that 15.4% of children had non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) while 28% had metabolic syndrome (MS). The prevalence of metabolic syndrome increases with age at 21% for 5-9 years old, 30% for 10-16 years old, and 35% for 17-20 years old. Metabolic syndrome increases the risk for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), type 2 diabetes mellitus, as well as chronic kidney disease. According to a study in 2015 by Anderson, E.L. et. al., the prevalence of NAFLD is high in young people, it is higher in males, and higher in those who are obese. In another study by Gupta, R. et. al., there is also a high prevalence of metabolic syndrome in obese children. (52)(53)(54)
  15. Gall stones – the incidence of gallstones in children is increasing. A few of the factors that contribute to gallstones in children is obesity, metabolic syndrome, parenteral nutrition, and use of certain medicines. The most common complication of gallstones in children is pancreatitis or inflammation of the pancreas which happens in 8% of the cases. (55)(56)
  16. Low self-esteem and low self-reported quality of life – low esteem during adolescence leads to poor health, increased risk for criminal behaviour, and limited economic prospects, according to the American Psychological Association. In a study involving 2813 children, obesity contributes to low self esteem, low self-worth, and reduced perceived social acceptance. Obese children were two to four times more likely to have low domain competence.(57)(58)
  17. Bullying and stigma of being fat – in one large study, 49% of children in grades 4 to 12 reported being bullied by other students at school at least once during the past month, and 30.8% reported bullying others during the same time. Children who are obese suffer from verbal victimization, physical victimization, as well as exclusion from group activities. On the other hand, severely obese males were involved in both roles as the bully and as the victim. Children who are bullied are more likely to be depressed, anxious, complain about health problems, and have decreased academic achievement because they miss, skip, or drop out of school. A small number of bullied children might retaliate through extremely violent measures, for example, 12 of 15 school shooting cases in the 1990’s were by shooters who had history of being bullied. (59)(60)(61)(62)
  18. Unhealthy junk food culture is promoted in the media 27 times more than government spending on health ads. Spending on junk food advertisements is 27 times more than government spending on health ads. This is bad because according to the Cancer Research UK, children who watch more than 3 hours of commercials are more likely to eat hundreds of junk foods.6 Not only that, profit-oriented Big Pharma spending continues to increase on their products with over 90% of companies investing more in marketing than in research and development of their products, with over $3.5 billion spent annually for advertising. Worldwide, the total revenue of big pharma has surpassed 1 Trillion US dollars. The Big Pharma are making a lot of profit but despite that they are keeping the costs high making a lot of medicines unavailable for the poor, unfortunately for us ordinary people we have to pay the price for expensive medication. Children are bombarded with negative messages that subconsciously influence them and their decisions. Media, advertisements, TV, movies, and cartoons promote unhealthy, unnatural lifestyle. However, even in schools the effects of healthy lunches and whole foods are undermined because of the wide availability of unhealthy food choices in schools. This was later addressed by the USDA when they banned junk foods from schools as part of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act in 2010. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
We need to do something for our kids to combat their deteriorating health in several areas including physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of their life. We’ll cover more about what we can do as parents, teachers, school administrators and what are some useful tools that we can use.

The 11 Advantages Of Prevention As Early As Now

  1. Avoid expensive hospitalization costs
  2. Minimize expenses for costly medications
  3. Avoid side-effects of medications
  4. Greater quality of life
  5. Increase learning ability
  6. Increase focus, concentration, and productivity
  7. Greater chances for success
  8. Happier life for our children
  9. Longevity Of Our Children
  10. Health Is Passed To The Future Generation
  11. A Legacy Of Healthy Culture, Knowledge, And Wisdom

9 Ways To Take Action Now And Protect Your Child

We created a detailed guide for how to protect your child from these 18 health problems that are increasing in today's children. You can read more about the 9 ways that you can protect your child's health on this link.
To find out more about how you can guide your child through nutrition, exercise, positive psychology, and healthy lifestyle you can go to our website homepage for more free resources, guides, videos, and podcasts at
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